Invalid Mime Type Detected Joomla
invalid mime type detected joomla

System information (as much as possible) Additional comments. Receiving Error: Invalid mime type detected. Checked MIME type using Added application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet to Legal MIME Types Expected result Actual result.

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Invalid Mime Type Detected Joomla Code That Tries

If you must look at the navigator.userAgent string look for the substring 'AppleWebKit', nothing else is guaranteed to continue working in the future!! var isWebKit =Navigator. 167.0 Safari / 525.13In nearly all cases you don't want to check if you're running under Google Chrome, but if the browser is using the WebKit rendering engine (see above). On Windows, Google Chrome's useragent string looks something like the following:Mozilla / 5.0 ( Windows U Windows NT 5.1 en - US ) AppleWebKit / 525.13 ( KHTML , like Gecko ) Chrome / 2.0. Do everything you can to avoid this, parsing navigator.userAgent and navigator.vendor is notoriously bug-prone and usually the wrong thing to do! Object detection is a much safer method to achieve per-browser behavior. Often the checks used are buggy and do not identify Google Chrome correctly. The problemBy far the most common problem we see is JavaScript (or server-side) code that tries to detect the browser by looking at the navigator.userAgent string.

invalid mime type detected joomla